The English You Need for the Office
- Writer
- Susan Dean / Lawrence J. Zwier
- 978-1-932222-95-1
- Target
- Advanced
- FK Level
- -
- CEFR Level
- B1
- Page/Size
- 183p / 4*6
The English You Need for The Office (EYNO) is the first of a two part series covering the essential vocabulary of the office for general staff and the second for executives (The English You Need for Business (EYNB)). The Picture Process approach allows a lively and flexible presentation of the basic vocabulary of topics like using a copying machine, sending a fax, making telephone calls and office safety. Students both in class and for self-study will find the picture process approach efficient and effective.
The full color book of 56 chapters (plus audio CD) is accompanied by a multi-skills activity book (including listening material) and Teacher`s Guide. EYNO introduces vocabulary for talking about daily processes in an office. EYNO highlights verbs-words for doing or acting. With a larger vocabulary of verbs, you can more clearly speak or write about what happens in your life. The pictures make it easy for you to see what the new vocabulary means.
"Why pictures? "
- Because there`s no clearer path to vocabulary learning and retention. And full color makes it even better.
"Why processes? "
- Because the language of processes is the language of life. What better way to encounter the most useful English words, especially verbs?
"Just another picture dictionary?"
- No way. Traditional picture dictionaries are full of static, noun-heavy displays. EEA is active and verb-rich, at the frontier of picture-dictionary development.
The full color book of 56 chapters (plus audio CD) is accompanied by a multi-skills activity book (including listening material) and Teacher`s Guide. EYNO introduces vocabulary for talking about daily processes in an office. EYNO highlights verbs-words for doing or acting. With a larger vocabulary of verbs, you can more clearly speak or write about what happens in your life. The pictures make it easy for you to see what the new vocabulary means.
"Why pictures? "
- Because there`s no clearer path to vocabulary learning and retention. And full color makes it even better.
"Why processes? "
- Because the language of processes is the language of life. What better way to encounter the most useful English words, especially verbs?
"Just another picture dictionary?"
- No way. Traditional picture dictionaries are full of static, noun-heavy displays. EEA is active and verb-rich, at the frontier of picture-dictionary development.